While off-campus, how do Georgetown University Law Center members get access to the Law Library's online journals or ebooks?
Current Georgetown Law faculty, staff and students may gain full-text access while off-campus to online journals, ebooks or databases through the Law Library web pages, catalog and research guides. By going through the links found on the library's website, you will be connected to the electronic or digital resources through the proxy service (currently Shibboleth) and will be recognized as a Georgetown Law patron after you log in with your NetID and Password when prompted. (You may then be required to authenticate through DUO).
To find a known:
- Database: Look for it through the Law Library Database Directory.
- Journal publication: Search for the title in the Law Library Journal Finder, or see the FAQ "How do Georgetown Law faculty, students and staff find electronic or online copies of a journal or newspaper?"
- Ebook publication: Search for the known title through the Law Library catalog.
- Article: Search for the known title in the Law Library catalog using the "Articles" filter.
Note that a few databases, such as Westlaw, Lexis and Bloomberg, cannot be accessed through the proxy server. These databases require current Georgetown Law members to login through the vendors' websites using individually assigned credentials (not your Georgetown NetID and Password). It would be best to search for content offered by Westlaw, Lexis and Bloomberg while within the respective databases, rather than searching within the Law Library catalog.
If you are having difficulty getting to a page you know you have access while off-campus, insert the following prefix before any URL: http://proxygt-law.wrlc.org/login?url=
Feel free to contact the Law Library Reference Desk for more assistance.
Non-law Georgetown members may check the "I am a non-law Georgetown University member. What library privileges do I have at Capitol Campus?" FAQ.