I am a non-law Georgetown University member. What library privileges do I have at Capitol Campus?


Non-law Georgetown University member's home libraries will be either Lauinger Library or Dahlgren Memorial (Medical) Library (DML), located on main campus, even for those non-law members teaching at, working on, taking classes at, studying on or living near the Capitol Campus. Your library privileges will be provided to you by either of those university libraries.

Non-law Georgetown University or Capitol Campus members who have questions about database content, database access, non-legal research or non-law reference help, locating books or articles, book borrowing privileges, recommending titles or databases to purchase, and other library privileges should contact their home libraries, either Lauinger Library Help Desk at 202-687-7607, accessservices@georgetown.edu or DML Information Services Desk at 202-687-1448, dmlcirculaton@georgetown.edu. Georgetown Medical-only databases must be accessed through DML services. Please always start your research using your home library's catalog, either Lauinger Library HoyaSearch, or the DML Catalog.

The Law Library is unable able to assist non-law Georgetown University members with off-campus or remote access to the university libraries' databases.

Capitol Campus study space for non-law Georgetown University students may be found in Capitol Campus 125 E Street (McCourt School of Public Policy) and the Law Center McDonough Hall. Check the McCourt School of Public Policy's "Top 7 study spaces on Georgetown’s Capitol Campus" (as of fall 2024).

Capitol Campus printers accessible to non-law Georgetown University students will be found inside the campus buildings other than the Law Library. Printing privilege is provided to all Georgetown University members by University Information Services (UIS) through PaperCut. For printing and printer questions, please contact UIS at help@georgetown.edu, or Capitol Campus Information Systems Technology (IST) Service Desk in Law Center McDonough Hall 152, 202-662-9284 or caphelp@georgetown.edu. The Law Library does not facilitate printing services. Questions about laptop loans and technology accessories must be sent to UIS at help@georgetown.edu and IST at caphelp@georgetown.edu.

If there is an available, circulating book at the Law Library that a non-law Georgetown University or Capitol Campus member would like to borrow, please submit a request through your Lauinger LIbrary Hoya Search catalog, or DML's Document Delivery service. Non-law Georgetown University students would be unable to visit in order to pick up Law Library books directly. Please consult either Lauinger Library Access Services Department or Ask DML service for more information.

The Law Library's Who May Use the Law Library page (a link found on the Law Library's home page) will present you with the most current Law Center Williams Building access policy.

The Law Library Reference Desk's Chat with a Librarian, a virtual reference service, is open during its hours of operation to Georgetown University students, faculty and staff who have questions about legal research. The Chat with a Librarian button will be located towards the bottom of some of the Law Library's web pages as a green button.

Chat with a Librarian button

  • Last Updated Dec 03, 2024
  • Views 125
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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