Does the Law Library have popular newspapers, magazines or DVDs for Georgetown Law members?

Does the library have newspapers online or electronically?


Georgetown Law members have access to the following:

Newspapers: Quick links to e-newspapers may be found on the Law Library News Research guide. Detailed information on accessing the digital edition, or dot-com version, of The Washington Post and The New York Times is provided by Georgetown University Lauinger Library. In print, the Law Library carries the last three months worth of newspapers like the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times. These will be found at the Circulation Desk.

Magazines: Popular magazines may be found in the Law Library Reading Room, near the Loewinger Lounge area.

Popular Books: The Law Library purchases some bestsellers and newly published novels each year and houses these in the Popular Reading collection. You will also find coffee table books in Loewinger Lounge.

DVDs: The Law Library and local academic libraries carry film in DVD formats that may be borrowed by Georgetown Law patrons. Conduct a "Georgetown U. + Local Libraries" search through the Law Library catalog and then submit a "Request from a Local Academic Library" for titles held by local libraries. The Law Library's popular DVD collection is located on the 2nd floor, past the Study Aid collection in the Reading Room. The Law Library's DVDs can be checked out for a week.

Georgetown University's Lauinger Library offers licensed streaming collections and these may be found on their Film & Media Studies guide. Through their guide, main campus offers services such as Kanopy Film & Media, Films on Demand and Asian Film Online.

Georgetown Law students may also apply for membership with the D.C. Public Library and gain access to that library's ebooks and audiobooks and streaming services.

Please check the "How can Georgetown University Law Center members watch or stream a film, or publicly show a DVD, on campus? FAQ.

Capitol Campus non-law Georgetown University members may check the related "I am a non-law Georgetown University member. What library privileges do I have at Capitol Campus?" FAQ.

  • Last Updated Jan 22, 2025
  • Views 139
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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