How can Georgetown University Law Center members watch or stream a film, or publicly show a DVD, on campus?


The Law Library does not offer advice on Public Performance Rights nor provide support for films to be shown in non-instructional settings, even for campus held events. Organizers of non-classroom events are responsible for acquiring the film, identifying the appropriate rights-clearing group and purchasing appropriate permissions.

The Law Library is unable to acquire, nor borrow, streaming formats for any purpose. The library will not consider purchasing, nor borrowing, DVD titles for public performance purposes. Georgetown does not have an institution-wide license to the popular commercial streaming services such as Netflix, HBO, Hulu, etc.

Consider using Georgetown University's Lauinger Library licensed streaming collections. These may be found on their Film & Media Studies guide. Through their guide, main campus offers services such as Kanopy Film & Media, Films on Demand and Asian Film Online.

Netflix's YouTube channel offers a limited number of educational documentaries for free streaming. offers a limited educational screenings of  documentaries through their individual memberships.

  • Last Updated Jan 22, 2025
  • Views 51
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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