Does the Georgetown University Law Center Library have group study and Zoom rooms for Georgetown Law students? How do Georgetown Law students reserve a group study or Zoom room?


Yes, there are group study rooms in the library building, four of which have screen mirroring capabilities, that are available for Georgetown University Law Center students. Additionally, there are about nine smaller, single-person rooms that can be used as Zoom rooms. On the library maps, the group study rooms are marked in blue.

It's easy for current Georgetown University Law Center members to reserve a room through the library's Study Space Booking System which gives you details on the features and capacities of the various rooms in case you need extra amenities such as a white board or podium. Since none of the rooms are sound-proof, including the Zoom rooms, for your privacy and consideration of those studying nearby the room, please use a headset rather than using your device's speaker. Headsets with microphones can be borrowed by Georgetown Law members for up to three hours from the Circulation Desk's Cool Stuff collection.

Group study and Zoom rooms are available to all Georgetown Law members on a first come, first served basis when the rooms are not occupied.

For related information, please check "How do I cancel a group study room reservation?" FAQ and "Are there rooms in the library that are first come, first served?" FAQ.

For non-law Georgetown University students, check the "I am a non-law Georgetown University member. What library privileges do I have at Capitol Campus?" FAQ for study space locations on Capitol Campus.

  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2024
  • Views 113
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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