How can Georgetown University Law Center students, faculty and staff get a book or article from another library?

How can I request an article or request a book that is not at the Law Library?


As a Georgetown University Law Center student, faculty or staff, there are a couple services available to you to get a book from outside the Law Library.

You may borrow a book that is housed at a local general academic library. You can place a "Request from a Local Academic Library" order through the Law Library catalog. More information about local academic library loans may be found in the "How do I get a book from Georgetown University main campus?" FAQ.

Georgetown Law students, faculty and staff may also request a book or copy of an article through the Law Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service where we resort to ILL-participating institutions located outside the local area to lend their books or provide PDFs of articles. For this service, you will need to sign up for an ILL account to make your first request. Full instructions are available on the Law Library's website.

For non-law Georgetown University Capitol Campus members, please check the "I am a Georgetown University non-law student. What library privileges do I have at Capitol Campus?" FAQ.

  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2024
  • Views 39
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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