How do Georgetown University Law Center students, faculty and staff a book from Georgetown University main campus? How do I get a book from a local general academic library?


As a Georgetown University Law Center students, faculty or staff, you may submit a request by first finding the book via a Georgetown U. + Local Academic Libraries search through the Law Library catalog. Once you find a local academic library that has an "Available" copy that you wish to have routed to the campus, log into the library catalog with your Georgetown NetID and Password, and click on "Request From a Local Academic Library" under How to Get It. Complete the form and Send Request once done. Your request will be randomly issued to the local library that has a readily available copy.

Request from a Local Academic Library

For policy questions about the local academic loan service, please contact the Law Library Circulation Desk at 202-662-9131 or

Note that the local law libraries belonging to local academic schools do not lend through this service. If there is a book that is exclusively found in a  local law academic library, Georgetown Law students, faculty and staff may request to borrow it through the Law Library Interlibrary Loan service (i.e., under How to Get It, choose "Request book, chapter, or article through ILL"). Georgetown Law ILL policies may be found on the Law Library website.

  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2024
  • Views 188
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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