Are Georgetown Law students allowed to take Law Library books out of the building? How do I do that?
The majority of the books shelved in Law Library Loewinger Lounge and the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors can circulate, that is, checked-out to your Georgetown Law Library Account and then be taken out of the Law Center Williams building. We also have DVDs that can be checked-out.
You may bring items from the Law Library shelves to the Circulation Desk, located on the 2d floor atrium. A staff at the desk will ask you to tap your Georgetown Law (mobile) GoCard against a card reader and then check each material out to your library account. (The Law Library does not issues physical cards for checking out books.) The library staff will then de-sensitize the items so that you may leave the building with them without activating our security system.
We also have a self checkout kiosk for law students to use if the Circulation Desk is closed or is busy. Bring the circulating book to the kiosk located in the atrium across from the Reference Desk. Please watch the tutorial video for using the self-checkout kiosk prior to using the system.
There are materials housed in special locations that cannot be checked out, e.g. Reading Room Study Aids, Reference, etc., while others can be checked out, but for a short period of time, e.g. Casebook Reserves for 3 hours.
More circulation information for each of the different types of library materials can be found on the Law Library website. Also please review "How do Georgetown University Law Center members renew Law Library books?" FAQ. But, please feel free to ask the Circulation Desk, 202-662-9131,, if you have any questions about our circulation policies.
Non-law Georgetown or Capitol Campus members who would like to borrow a circulating Law Library book, please submit a request through your Lauinger LIbrary Hoya Search catalog, or DML's Document Delivery service. Please consult either Lauinger Library Access Services Department or Ask DML service for more information.