How do Georgetown University Law Center members renew Law Library books?
Georgetown University Law Center members may renew checked-out Law Library materials through My Law Library Account. You may renewal all materials except for Reserve materials (including casebooks, technology accessories and course books), materials that are overdue and materials for which you owe fines. Please find "Georgetown University Law Library" (usually selected by default) on the list of consortium libraries on the left hand menu of your My Library Account. In the Loans box, you can click on RENEW ALL:
To renew loans from other local academic libraries, you will have to select the institution that loaned the book and click on Renew All. See the Law Library FAQ: How do Georgetown University Law Center members renew books borrowed from local academic libraries? for more information. Additionally, through your My Library Account, you can review your consortium or local academic loan requests, cancel such requests, and check for fines.
Non-law Georgetown University members should renew their borrowed books, including ones loaned to you from the Law Library, through your home library account. For Lauinger Library patrons, please visit your HoyaSearch account. For Dahlgren Memorial Library patrons, please visit your Document Delivery service system.