What is Alma?


Ex Libris Alma is a cloud-based library services platform which the Georgetown Law Library implemented in 2018. It manages the records of the Law Library's print, electronic and digital collections. Through this system, the library can also check out our library books to Georgetown Law members. The information in Alma includes the bibliographic information of the physical and electronic materials offered by the library. Georgetown Law member will interact with the Alma platform through a web discovery platform called Primo, which the Law Library simply refers to the catalog. The catalog is the search box found on our home page. Through the catalog, Georgetown Law patrons can locate materials not only in our collection, but also the materials housed in local academic libraries. Georgetown Law patrons who have questions on how to search through the catalog may contact the Law Library Reference Desk.

Non-law Georgetown members and members of the public who use the Law Library catalog and have questions should contact their home libraries which can provide the best service options for them. Non-law Georgetown members may check the related "I am a non-law Georgetown University member. What library privileges do I have at Capitol Campus?" FAQ.


  • Last Updated Aug 20, 2024
  • Views 276
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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