Help, I left a personal belonging in the Georgetown University Law Center Library. Is there a lost and found in the Law Library?
The Law Center Williams Building Security Desk is the temporary repository for any item that is not Law Library property (including a personal copy of a book, casebook, study aid, etc.) found in the building. Personal items turned into the Security Desk are then sent to the Capitol Campus Department of Public Safety (DPS), 202-662-9325. The Law Library's Circulation Desk does not hold any lost and found items for any amount of time.
DPS administers an extensive Lost and Found Program. Individuals may claim lost items by inquiring at the 2d floor New Jersey Avenue security guard desk located in McDonough Hall (Mon. - Fri. 7 am - 10 pm), or by completing the Lost Property Form under the Public Safety main webpage. Items that remain unclaimed after 90 days are discarded or donated to local charities.
For any questions about lost and found policies, please ask Capitol Campus DPS at 202-662-9325 or
Check related Law Library FAQs:
- Can a Georgetown University Law Center student, faculty or staff leave personal stuff at a Law Library table or desk where I'm studying while I go get something to eat, or go to class?
- Does the Law Library have lockers for Georgetown University Law Center students? How can Georgetown Law students get a locker on campus?