How do Georgetown University Law Center students, faculty and staff renew books borrowed from local academic libraries?
I have books borrowed through the Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) that needs to be renewed. How do I renew them?
Georgetown Law students may renew books borrowed from a local general academic library by logging into your My Law Library Account found on the Law Library's homepage. After signing in with your Georgetown University NetID and Password, followed by DUO Authentication in some instances, go to Loans in your My Library Account.
Change the filter from All Institutions to "Has Activity," resulting in a list of libraries in which you have active loans.
Click on the first library to find all of your loans with that library. Click the check box directly above the first listed loan to select all of your active loans for that library. Then click "Renew All."
The system will immediately process your requests and let you know if they were successfully renewed.
Move to the next library on the libraries filter, and renew as desired or needed.
Non-law Georgetown University members must renew their borrowed books, including ones loaned to you from the Law Library, through your home library account. For Lauinger Library patrons, please visit your HoyaSearch account. For Dahlgren Memorial Library patrons, please visit your Document Delivery service system.