Do Georgetown Law members need to pay a fee to access a document on Bloomberg Law’s Docket Search?


No. For federal dockets, Georgetown Law members will be able to retrieve most of the filings that would be available on PACER, the electronic public access service for U.S. federal court documents, without incurring any charges that would be associated with accessing PACER directly. If Bloomberg Law has electronic access to the court document, any associated PACER fee up to an academic year cap of $1,500 will be waived for you as an academic user. Through a Georgetown Law member's Bloomberg Law account, you can see how much of the $1,500 academic year allowance you have used. If a document is not available electronically (e.g., the document must be retrieved in person from the court using a courier service), you will be notified that the document falls outside the Bloomberg Law subscription.

For help searching dockets and documents on Bloomberg Law, please check the Dockets & Court Documents and Finding Dockets on Bloomberg Law sections of the Law Library Briefs, Oral Arguments and Other Court Documents Research guide and check the Searching Dockets on Bloomberg Law tutorial. For questions about locating dockets and documents that are not available on Bloomberg Law, Georgetown Law members may contact the Law Library Reference Desk.

  • Last Updated Aug 21, 2024
  • Views 272
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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