How long do I have access to the Geogetown Law Library's databases after I graduate?


Remote access for Georgetown Law recent graduates to the Law Library databases that require your Georgetown University NetID and Password stops when the library removes graduates from the patron database. This purge is typically performed sometime after July. If you experience off-campus database access issues before the end of July, please contact Access Services at 202-662-9131.

After recent graduates are removed from the Law Library's patron database, they would fall under the Law Library's Law Center alumni policy. Please check the Alumni Guide for the off-campus resources that are available to Georgetown Law alumni.

Georgetown Law alumni are welcome to visit the Law Library and can access most of our databases while on campus. The licenses to the major legal databases, such as Westlaw, Lexis & Bloomberg Law, excludes access to Georgetown Law alumni whether on campus or remotely. Please check the Law Library guide for on-campus alumni resources for more information.

  • Last Updated Aug 20, 2024
  • Views 43
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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