Can Georgetown Law students drop off checked-out library books somewhere other than the Law Library Circulation Desk?


Absolutely, we have a library book drop box in the Law Library lobby. There is a library drop box on the west side of the Law Center McDonough Hall fifth floor. We also have a metal outdoor book drop, located outside of the campus iron gates by the Law Library building on the corner of New Jersey Avenue and G Street.

Outdoor Book Drop Box

Casebook, Course and Cool Stuff Reserve materials must be returned directly to the Circulation Desk during the desk operating hours. None of the library drop boxes are checked on an hourly basis. If checked-out Reserve items are returned into the drop boxes, they will not be marked as returned before the 3-hour loan period ends and you will start accruing late fines.

Also, if you are returning a fragile item, please consider returning it directly to the Circulation Desk to avoid being damaged in the drop box and being assessed a damage fine.

While all Capitol Campus members may use the Law Library book drop boxes, depending on how a library book was checked out, the Law Library staff may not be able to update a returned book's status for non-law Georgetown University members.

  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2024
  • Views 217
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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