Where can Georgetown University Law Center students find legal-subject study aids, either in print or online?


Study aids can clarify confusing concepts and even provide practice questions. A variety of law-related study aids are available at the Law Library for Georgetown Law students. The best one to use depends on your course and individual study habits. In addition to the online West Academic Study Aids, most of our print books can be found in the Study Aids section (Reading Room, 2d floor), with older editions in the stacks available for checkout by law students.

If you want to find all the different study aids the library has on a particular legal topic, then use our Treatise Finders for a list.

CALI lessons are another useful exam review option for Georgetown Law students. Over 800 interactive lessons prepared by law professors and librarians cover over 30 practice areas of law. Georgetown Law students may obtain a registration code from registration code should go to CALI Lessons for Students..

Don't forget the Georgetown Law's bank of past exams and the Student Bar Association's outline bank that are avavialable to law students.

If you would like to see guides on studying for and taking law school examinations, we have some books in our collection to assist.

Good luck with your studies!

  • Last Updated Dec 13, 2024
  • Views 480
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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