What Law Library privileges are available for Georgetown University Law Center alumni?


Georgetown Law alumni are welcome to visit the Law Library at any time during open hours. Just bring a government issued identification with your photo and present it to the Williams Building's Security Desk. You'll be able to access and, while on-site, use the physical collection. You would not be able to check out a Law Library book. Also, while on-site and using the guest wifi or public PCs found in the library, you may access most of the licensed databases, but excluding Lexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law and other restrictive databases available only to current Law Center faculty, law staff and law students that require specially assigned log-in credentials.

Remotely, alumni have access to a limited number of databases offered by main campus Georgetown University Lauinger Library. For a full explanation, please check the Georgetown Law Alumni Guide.

Recent May graduated law students will be permitted to use their university IDs or GOCards through July 31st of the same year to access the library. Past July 31st, a government issued ID may be shown to the security desk. Check also "Can Georgetown Law students use Lexis, Westlaw or Bloomberg over the summer or after I graduate?"

  • Last Updated Aug 13, 2024
  • Views 265
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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