How can I access past exams?


There is a Past Exam database, available through the library's website, that covers exams from the last five calendar years for faculty who are currently teaching at Georgetown Law. The database is accessible to current Georgetown Law students, staff and faculty. You will need to sign in with your NetID and Password. If there is a technical problem with an exam file, you may notify the library through the suggestion form.

If an exam, or model answers to an exam, from the last five years, is not found in the database, then the Law Library did not receive a copy from the Registrar. Please contact that office, or ask your faculty to submit an example to the Registrar along with a notation (required by the Registrar) that the file is to be made available to students via Past Exams. The library cannot process exam files received directly from the faculty.

Copies of exams administered more than five years ago will not be found on nor uploaded to the Past Exam database. At your faculty's own discretion, older exams could be made available to students via Canvas. Please consult your faculty about this option.

  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2022
  • Views 707
  • Answered By Erie Taniuchi

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